Gavin Joyce
Allow job deletion with correct actio...
was created by Gavin Joyce
Friday Jan 02
ticket - Allow job editing with correct action... was created by Gavin Joyce 02:30 PM ticket
Send an email to the Job posterwas updated by Gavin Joyce 01:34 PM ticket - Send an email to the Job poster was updated by Gavin Joyce 12:19 PM ticket
- Send an email to the Job poster was updated by Gavin Joyce 12:19 PM ticket
- Auto focus on search control was created by Gavin Joyce 12:18 PM ticket
- 0.3 was created by Gavin Joyce 12:18 PM milestone
Creating 'coming soon' page on RubyJobs.iewas updated by Gavin JoyceTuesday Dec 23
ticket - Creating 'coming soon' page on RubyJo... was created by Gavin Joyce 02:28 PM ticket
Add a basic livesearch for jobs list
was updated by Gavin Joyce
Wednesday Dec 17